

林董事赴美多年,但總胸懷母校及台灣,2008年獲選為北醫大傑出校友企業經營獎。他總是在第一時間,自費前往世界各地災區進行救治及義診,如2009年台灣南部因莫拉克颱風釀成水災,在看診之餘還協助民眾打掃家園,2010年與慈濟海地醫療團一同前往海地太子港,治療地震災民。2011年親赴西非史瓦濟蘭王國及聖多美普林西比共和國義診,並慰問北醫大長駐兩國的醫療團隊。本刊特邀林董事抒發感言於後。(編按)【圖:林董事(中)17日晚間獲頒醫療傑出貢獻獎,左為洛杉磯醫學會會長摩根醫師(Dr. Marshall Morgan),右為醫學教育基金會董事長艾連德醫師(Dr Troy Elander)】


42年前,我由北醫大醫科第6屆畢業,一晃眼來美國己有40年了,兩年前我由骨外科中心退休,專心於AHMC Healthcare Inc 7家醫學中心及中心健保的營運,也擔任了3屆的聖瑪利諾市市長及8年的市議員,韋士頓大學醫學院的骨外科教授。








Dr. Matthew Y. Lin, founder Pacific Orthopedic Medical Group and President of Central Health Plan and AHMC International Cancer Center. 【圖:獲獎人簡介】
Dr. Matthew Lin has made a great impact in his community through his leadership in education initiatives, international and local relief efforts, providing patient care and philanthropic endeavors. His decades-long work in public education that help empower patients to make informed decision about their health and improve their quality of life is being honor with the Innovation Award for Public Education.
Always committed to teaching and education, Dr. Lin has served on the clinical faculty of the University of Southern California and Western University of Health Sciences. He is an active member of the Los Angeles County Medical Reserve Corps, which prepares for disaster relief, and has led international relief efforts to Taiwan, El Salvador, Sri Lanka, Bolivia Malawi, among others.
Dr. Lin completed his medical training at Taipei Medical College in Taiwan. He came to the United States in 1973 and completed his orthopedic residency and fellowship at Johns Hopkins University and Union Memorial Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland.
Dr. Lin has been dedicated to serving the patients of the Greater San Gabriel Valley for the past 28 years, and has held many leadership positions in the community including, President of the Taiwan Medical Society and a member of the Board of Directors of Garfield Medical Center, Alhambra Hospital and Pacific Independent Physician Association. He also served as chief of staff at Garfield Medication Center and chief of surgery. His community involvement is not limited to the healthcare field, and includes working with the Taiwan Center, Pasadena Symphony, the San Marino School Foundation and the Pacific Asia Museum.(by Los Angeles County Medical Association, Patient Care Foundation of Los Angeles County)

Former Mayor Lin Honored as LA Heathcare Champion
Former San Marino Mayor and City Councilman Dr. Matthew Lin will be honored by the Los Angeles County Medical Association at the 2nd annual Los Angeles Healthcare Awards dinner for his “exemplary contributions to the medical profession,” it was recently announced.
The dinner event will be held on Thursday, October 17 at the California Club in Downtown Los Angeles.【圖:洛杉磯當地《論壇報》報導】
Dr. Lin will receive the Innovation Award in the field of public education for his “leadership in shaping the future of healthcare.”
“We take great pride in recognizing outstanding individuals and organizations who impact healthcare in our community, and particularly in improving care for the most underserved,” said Dr. Troy Elander, president of the Patient Care Foundation of Los Angeles County. “Dr. Lin has made a great impact in the community through his leadership in many areas including providing needed patient care through a variety of organizations, philanthropic endeavors, international and local relief efforts, education initiatives, and public service.”
Lin has made several visits to disaster-torn regions of the world – at his own expense – to provide pediatric care for survivors including trips to Haiti and regions hit by the 2009 tsunami.
The award recognizes individuals and institutions for exemplary contributions in improving access to quality healthcare in Los Angeles and is represented by more than 6,500 physicians.(By Mitch Lehman, EDITOR OF THE TRIBUNE)

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